« The wildderness of New-Zeland, between green valleys and high altitude glaciers, are still places of adventure and lonelyless.
Helicoptere will drop us on a glacier under Mt-Cook,then will live in non-kept mountain hute from wich we will get on huge ski touring ride. »
DATES from 27th of August to 16th of Septembre 2017
Time 11 jours de ski
Accomodations principalement en refuge, et en hotel
Pro High Mountain Guide
Riders 6
Difficulty good level of ski touring
Effort ***
Confort **
Day 1,2,3 International flight – Queenstown
Day 4 Drop in air plane or helico on glaciers : Murchison Glacier, Tasman Glacier
moving back to town, night in hotel.
Day 8 Moving back to toawn, night in hotel.
Day 9 Drop in air plane or helico on glaciers : Fox Glacier, Franz Josef Glacier
Day 15 Moving back to town, night in hotel
Day 16 International flight from Queenstown
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Guiding days
Airport transfert
Radio, GPS, Satelite mobile
Not Included
Internationnal flights
Airplane or helicopter drop on glaciers
Personnal expenses
les repas à Queenstown
High Mountain Guide UIAGM (seb cazorla)
You can insure yourself or choose one of the options proposed in the registration form to return to the travel agency Les Matins du Monde. The 3 main guarantees are:
• Trip cancellation: this is an important risk but it is up to you to make your choice and to assume it. Please note that if you are not covered and you are obliged to cancel your departure within 60 days, you will not be entitled to a refund. • Repatriation assistance / Relief and rescue costs: this is an important guarantee that is often obtained with a credit card (to be checked by each according to its card), an automobile or a house contract, etc. Attention to the fact that this guarantee covers only the repatriation from a hospital abroad to the residence of the person concerned. This does not concern relief, and the payment of medical expenses is not always effective in sufficient amounts. Two guarantees for which one must be very vigilant:
• Costs and search and rescue: this is the most difficult guarantee to obtain. You must be covered at least for a sum of 15 000 € per person. Very few contracts offer this guarantee, and those who offer it sometimes limit the application to very specific cases (eg only in the event of an accident during the practice of a sports activity … Excluding any disease, or accident Except sports ground ….).
• Medical expenses: check that the medical expenses are covered by your contract and that the amounts covered are sufficient, otherwise all medical expenses will be borne by you. Attention: the repatriation insurance offered by the payment cards (Visa, Premier, Gold, MasterCard) is not enough for a trip to a remote area. On the other hand, these cards may cover the cancellation in the event that the trip has been paid in full by card.
BUDGET : 4390 € (base de 6 personnes)

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